



Call for Papers and Workshop Plans

International Journal of Creativity in Music Education vol.6

Call for Papers and Workshop plans

The Institute of Creativity in Music Education is now accepting the papers concerning the topic below.

Special Issue:
Musical Creativity through Breaking the Rules and Traditions

Each paper will be reviewed by at least two referees, and an editorial decision is generally reached within 8 to 12 weeks of submission.
Papers should be around 5000 words.
An abstract of about 100 words summarizing the content of the paper should be added below the title and before the main text.
A biography of around 75 words giving the author’s name and affiliation should be submitted on a separate cover sheet.

▶ Papers not concerned  with the special issue are also being accepted by the journal. 

▶ Workshop plans about Creative Music Activity are also welcome.
They will not be reviewed by referees, but the decision for acceptance will be made by the editorial committee.

Submission of these papers  is taken to imply that they have not previously been published and have not been published elsewhere. Contributors are responsible for obtaining and acknowledging copyright permissions where necessary.

The deadline for submission is 30th November 2017.
The official language is English.
The papers should be written in APA style.
Submissions in MS word as well as PDF format should be sent to the Institute of Creative Music Activity for Children : tsubonou@fc.jwu.ac.jp

For further information, Please send E-mail to the address below.


Yukiko Tsubonou
Editor, Prof. at Kaichi International University